News from Team HR-ON. Be inspired!

vacation accural and vacation rules. get on top with the danish holiday act with features from hr-on.

Danish Holiday Act – Stay on Top with Vacation Accrual

Danish Holiday Act – Stay on Top with Vacation Accrual 5000 2617 HR-ON

Danish Holiday Act – Stay on Top with Vacation Accrual Are you familiar with the ins and outs of the Danish Holiday Act? Whether you’re an employee navigating different types of leave or an HR professional managing vacation and absence, understanding the rules is essential. In this guide, we’ll break…

What are the differences between HR and recruitment? Get them here.

What Are HR and Recruitment? Differences, Collaboration, and Benefits of an Integrated System

What Are HR and Recruitment? Differences, Collaboration, and Benefits of an Integrated System 1200 628 HR-ON

What Are HR and Recruitment? Differences, Collaboration, and Benefits of an Integrated System When discussing HR and recruitment, it’s important to understand that both functions play a crucial role in an organization’s success. While they have different focus areas, they work closely together to ensure the company has the right…

Guide to secure a good work environment

Guide: How to Ensure a Good Work Environment

Guide: How to Ensure a Good Work Environment 1200 628 HR-ON

15 Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Ensuring a Good Work Environment A good work environment is essential for the success of any company. It promotes employee well-being, increases productivity, and reduces absenteeism. Here are 15 practical tips on how you can improve the work environment in your company. 1. Conduct…

Download your free HR Calendar

HR Calendar: Organize the year

HR Calendar: Organize the year 1200 628 HR-ON

Free HR Annual Calendar: Stay Organized and Never Miss a Deadline Are you ready for a new year? An annual calendar will help you get a complete view of the tasks that occur year after year so you don’t miss any deadlines. Read this blog post and download the year…

Boost your visibility with Social Media
Corona crisis: Use SoMe to recruit talented candidates 1536 864 HR-ON

Corona crisis: Use SoMe to recruit talented candidates

As a consequence of the government’s efforts to limit the spread of the Coronavirus, the traditional job market is more or less deserted. The good news is that you can use SoMe to recruit talented candidates, even those who aren’t…

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Fordele ved online Jobsamtale
How to stay professional when recruiting online 1200 628 HR-ON

How to stay professional when recruiting online

These days, more and more companies are choosing to hold job interviews online. Currently this is due to the social distancing restrictions put in place due to the corona outbreak. However, even before the COVID-19 crisis, online interviews were already…

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Fremtidens HR
Corona outbreak bringing us closer to the future of HR 1200 628 HR-ON

Corona outbreak bringing us closer to the future of HR

The Corona outbreak will have long lasting effects on how companies conduct HR tasks, bringing us closer to the future of HR. Companies all over the world have been forced to rapidly digitalise their HR processes. This includes recruitment and…

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5 gode tips til din online jobsamtale
5 Top Tips for doing Online Interviews 1200 628 HR-ON

5 Top Tips for doing Online Interviews

Top 5 Tips for Online Interviews Worried about an upcoming online interview? Here are 5 top tips from HR-ON to help you prepare and succeed in interviews online. Online interviews are becoming more and more commonly used by companies to…

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Løs dine HR-opgaver digitalt
Solve your HR tasks digitally 1200 628 HR-ON

Solve your HR tasks digitally

In the midst of the current corona crisis, it can be challenging to solve some usual tasks. Many employees are still working from home, which means that a lot of tasks and meetings that usually take place face-to-face suddenly have to…

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HR-ONs nye videofunktion til online jobsamtaler
HR-ON’s new and highly sought-after video feature 1200 628 HR-ON

HR-ON’s new and highly sought-after video feature

HR-ON’s latest digital solution for holding job interviews online has been very well received by customers. Going by the large numbers of people already using the solution, HR-ON’s new video feature appears to be highly sought-after. The users of the HR-ON Recruit…

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Job interviews online - directly in your browser
HR-ON launches new feature: Conduct job interviews online 1200 628 HR-ON

HR-ON launches new feature: Conduct job interviews online

The IT company HR-ON is launching a new system feature which allows you to conduct job interviews online. This means that even when it is not possible to physically meet, your interviews can still go ahead. This is of course…

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HR-Advisors er klar til at hjælpe din virksomhed gennem coronakrisen
Is your business affected by the Corona Crisis? Get help and advice on HR management 1200 628 HR-ON

Is your business affected by the Corona Crisis? Get help and advice on HR management

The corona crisis is upon us and for many companies it is a challenging time. Therefore, HR-ON and a number of our partners have joined forces to help with HR management during the corona crisis. This is to help Danish tech…

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Mangfoldighed er en del af HR-ONs DNA
Diversity is part of HR-ON’s DNA 1200 628 HR-ON

Diversity is part of HR-ON’s DNA

What is diversity? Diversity in the workplace covers many topics. It can refer to differences in gender, age, religion, ethnic origin, sexuality, education, work experience, attitudes, interests and much more. There are numerous benefits to a diverse workforce. It is important…

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NetOB event hos HR-ON
OB’s sponsors visit HR-ON 1225 641 HR-ON

OB’s sponsors visit HR-ON

HR-ON is proud to sponsor Odense’s super league football club, OB. As part of this connection HR-ON invited OB’s sponsors to a networking event full of hygge at their headquarters. Roughly 120 people from OB’s sponsors, showed up and made…

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Spændende Mangfoldighedscharter-arrangement hos HR-ON.
Inspirational and Informative Leadership Lounge at HR-ON 1500 842 HR-ON

Inspirational and Informative Leadership Lounge at HR-ON

Distinguished company HR-ON’s Leadership Lounge was inspirational and informative. Around 45 executives and specifically invited people attended the event at HR-ON’s head office in the Odense Banegård Center on Thursday evening. One of the main aims was to inspire people…

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Gentofte Kommune brugte LinkedIn Premium med et ekstra boost for at rekruttere en kandidat til en lederstilling
Video: Gentofte city council achieved difficult recruitment using LinkedIn 2000 1117 HR-ON

Video: Gentofte city council achieved difficult recruitment using LinkedIn

It turned out to be a difficult task for the city council of Gentofte to find a Principal for a brand new educational institution. The Gentofte city council achieved this difficult recruitment using LinkedIn Premium. “It was a very hectic…

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Til HR-ONs Housewarming kom kunder og venner af huset forbi og lykønskede med de nye lokaler på Odense Banegård Center. Her ses Ali E. Cevik, CEO i HR-ON, i snak med kunder.
Festive Housewarming Party 1200 628 HR-ON

Festive Housewarming Party

Mayor of Odense at HR-ON Housewarming with a glass of bubbly in one hand and a plate of canapes in the other The Mayor of Odense, Peter Rahbæk Juel, was one of over 70 guests at HR-ON’s Housewarming party. He…

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HR-ON & LinkedIn holdt seminar om at styrke rekrutteringen
Video: Hear testimonials from our customers at the LinkedIn seminar 2000 1122 HR-ON

Video: Hear testimonials from our customers at the LinkedIn seminar

Last autumn HR-ON & LinkedIn held a seminar for HR-ON’s clients. The advice shared at this seminar was like gold dust. With the headline “Strengthen your recruitment with LinkedIn & HR-ON” about 80 participants gained knowledge on recruiting via LinkedIn. In addition,…

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Find din nye ansatte på Sociale Medier
Find new employees via Social Media 1200 628 HR-ON

Find new employees via Social Media

There are many good reasons to search for new employees via Social Media. One of them is that social media plays an important role in our lives these days. For example, in Denmark, figures show that most adult Danes are…

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Onboarding: How to ensure a good start for new employees 1200 628 HR-ON

Onboarding: How to ensure a good start for new employees

What is onboarding? Onboarding is about controlling the process of new employees joining a company. It is important to ensure that new employees receive a proper introduction to the company’s culture. Additionally, a good relationships should be created with the…

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HR-ONs praktikanter spiller bordfodbold
Internships at HR-ON: learn something new every day 1200 628 HR-ON

Internships at HR-ON: learn something new every day

There is room for many different profiles at an IT company like HR-ON. In this article we will meet a couple of students who are currently doing internships at HR-ON 22-year-old Jonas Wyke is just one example. He is studying…

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Top 10 Benefits of E-recruitment
Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment 1200 628 HR-ON

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment As a hiring manager, adopting e-recruitment can bring significant advantages to your recruitment process. Dive into this blog to discover how it can benefit your next hire. Gone are the days of sending physical resumes…

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Employer Branding tips
6 tips to improve your Employer Branding 1200 628 HR-ON

6 tips to improve your Employer Branding

6 Tips to Improve Your Employer Branding In a recent blogpost, we discussed how to recruit using social media, where you’ll find useful tips on how to advertise on your social channels directly through our e-Recuitment system. This time we’ll…

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HR-ON among techies at gaming event 1200 628 HR-ON

HR-ON among techies at gaming event

HR-ON was among techies at the Odincon gaming event. Odense Congress Center hosted the biggest e-sport and gaming event in northern Europe, and was overrun by gamers and potential new employees. At HR-ON’s booth, the companies representatives gave people an…

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Odenses borgmester, Peter Rahbæk Juel, ønsker HR-ON tillykke med Housewarmingen. Han nævner både LinkedIn og Facebook.
The Mayor of Odense: “HR-ON is a fantastic component of the tech industry” 1200 628 HR-ON

The Mayor of Odense: “HR-ON is a fantastic component of the tech industry”

Last November was the month of HR-ON’s Housewarming party in their brand new offices right in the heart of the city. This celebratory occasion involved bubbles, draft beer and posh nibbles. The Mayor of Odense, Peter Rahbæk Juel, attended the…

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    About HR-ON

    HR-ON is a suite of cloud-based applications that help make HR-related tasks easier. From small business and local municipalities to large multinational organizations, HR-ON solutions are flexible to fit the needs of your business.

    Charter mangfoldighed

    Østre Stationsvej 27, 3   //  DK-5000 Odense C   //  +45 71 99 07 27   //   //  CVR: 34474540