Press about and from HR-ON

Find amazing stories about HR-ON and our employees

HR-ON has a lot of stories written about us – and we apologize; all of many of them are in danish. But we have gathered them for you anyway. Below you will find logos and pictures which you can use for your story.

Published material:

Ali Cevik

National News: DR – Danmarks Radio

In 2023, brought the story of our employee manifesto with Ali Cevik and Lennard, which was the voice of our employees. Read the entire article here.

Danmarks sunde arbejdspladser

Podcast: Danmarks sunde arbejdspladser

Ali Cevik takes part in the podcast ”De sunde arbejdspladser” together with Well-being expert Regitze Siggaard. Hear their conversation here.

DR P4 Radio med HR-ON

National Radio: DR P4 Morgen Fyn

HR-ON was on P4 Morgen Fyn for a talk about well-being. Listen to what we had to say here. Note, it is a clipped version from the live version.

Local Reportage: TV2 Fyn

The local news media TV2 visited HR-ON, where they interviewed CEO and founder Ali Cevik. You can watch the interview here.

National TV Reportage: TV2

HR-ONs CEO and founder Ali E. Cevik and CTO Christian Hansen have been guests in ‘Go Aften LIVE’ in TV2’s studio in Copenhagen. You can watch the broadcast again here. 

National news: Jyllands-Posten Finans

HR-ONs approach, called value-based self-management, has been on the front page of Jyllands-Posten Finans. You can read the article online here.

News Article: Erhverv+

HR-ONs CEO and founder Ali E. Cevik win the Inspiration Award, which is awarded by Erhverv+ and EY. You can read the entire article here. 

Own Article: HR-ON Blog in English

Read the fasination story about Ali Cevik and his journey from sheepherd to gazelle hunter when HR-ON received Gazelle no. 2 in 2019. 

News Article: Erhverv+

Erhverv+ Fyn did an article on HR-ON and Ali E. Cevik in october regarding our self management approach. Read it all here.

Logo and pictures:

Ali Cevik, CEO i HR-ON

Pictures of Ali E. Cevik

A selection of images that can be used for articles or other news. Contact us if you want others. 

Download our logo package for web and print

In need af HR-ONs logo? Download our logo package here. They are ready for print and web.

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    About HR-ON

    HR-ON is a suite of cloud-based applications that help make HR-related tasks easier. From small business and local municipalities to large multinational organizations, HR-ON solutions are flexible to fit the needs of your business.

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