HR-ON Recruit

With our complete E-recruitment software,
hiring is a breeze.

Streamline recruitment from start to finish
Effective job advertising with just a few clicks
Customize your career page to match your brand
GDPR-compliant with easy candidate management
Rated ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.6/5 on G2

Be aligned with top peers

Logo for virksomheden Harboe Bryggerier som bruger StaffBuddy appen i virksomheden.

Strengthen recruitment from attract to hire

Build your own
career site

Easy candidate

Effective online

Receive support in multiple languages


Strengthen your brand with a career page

Maintain brand identity

Build your career page in HR-ON Recruit and support your brand with your own colors, fonts, and images.

Responsive design

The career page is part of your website and is adapted for PC, tablet, and smartphone.

Intuitive for the candidate

The career page is designed so your candidates can easily find available positions and apply for a job.

What do our customers say?

What do our customers say?

Din egen

Med HR-ON Recruit får du en professionel karriereside designet i tråd med din virksomheds visuelle identitet.

Ansøgeren fastholdes på virksomhedens hjemmeside gennem hele processen, og der linkes på intet tidspunkt væk fra siden. Karrieresiden er der, hvor jeres ledige stillinger samt muligheden for at sende uopfordrede ansøgninger vises. Ansøgerne vil opfatte karrieresiden som en integreret del af din hjemmeside.


Overview of recruitment

Integrated calendar overview

Overview of the latest applications, upcoming appointments, and tasks, integrated with your calendar.

Recruitment statistics

Shows ongoing recruitments, applicants, interviews, and rejections. You can also see the number of views and where the applicants have seen your job posting. The statistics are tailored to your needs.

Recruitment activity log

Overview of the latest recruitment activities. For example, when a colleague has created a job posting, evaluated an applicant, or sent a rejection.


Application management

Easy candidate overview with Kanban view

You get a quick overview of all applicants and can easily send emails to the candidates. Additionally, you can organize candidates using our new Kanban view.

Pre-screen and categorize candidate

Make recruitment easier with a pre-screening of candidates. You can also give applicants star ratings, assign labels such as ‘interview’ or ‘rejection,’ and write notes.

Filter among the applicants

You can filter your applicants by experience, education, skills, or other job requirements.


Job advertising made easy

Write with AI

Use our AI tool to write or optimize your job ads. Save time and attract the right candidates.

Job ad flow

With our job posting flow, you control who can publish on which media and who can post job ads, among other things. You can also determine who is authorized to approve a job ad.

LinkedIn Premium Jobs

Use LinkedIn Premium Job to ensure high visibility for your job postings— a product you can choose because HR-ON is an official partner with the world’s largest professional platform, LinkedIn.

Questions? Give us a call

📞 +45 71 99 07 48

Questions? Give us a call

📞 +45 71 99 07 48

Other features and benefits

Manage Your Appointments Everywhere

You can manage and administer all appointments directly in HR-ON Recruit, but for many users, it is also useful to integrate it into another consolidated calendar system.

HR-ON Recruit can be set up so that calendar content is forwarded in a general file format that can be read by most calendar systems, such as Outlook and Google Calendar.

For the tech-savvy, it’s worth mentioning that this involves ICS files.

Recruit dashboard

Overview of Personal Data with HR-ON Recruit

To comply with the EU GDPR, it is crucial that you have an overview of the personal data entering your system, ensure that it is processed correctly, and be able to document the entire process. This is virtually impossible if you receive applications via email.

With HR-ON Recruit, you are automatically ensured compliance with the regulations.

GDPR image on a ipad

Easy Overview with HR-ON Recruit

HR-ON Recruit is an e-recruitment system, and generally, there’s no need to print even a single line or send an email outside of the system. However, sometimes it’s also nice to have a piece of paper in hand or to send a PDF with an overview of selected candidates.

Therefore, this option is naturally available in HR-ON Recruit.

You simply select the candidates, and, like everything else in the system, you can define the elements you want included in your overview.

Image of a PDF generated paper

“Share the love” and find the right talent

Social media is a crucial factor when you are looking for new employees. With HR-ON Recruit, you can easily promote your job openings on social media. For example, you can get your positions featured as sponsored posts on LinkedIn, and you can also publish to your company’s own social media channels—directly from HR-ON Recruit.

With sponsored posts, HR-ON Recruit creates a target audience profile based on various factors such as geography and age, and then runs a campaign specifically aimed at that group.

Brand identity of social media

If a position needs to be published to your social media channels, simply check the box when creating the job posting. HR-ON Recruit will automatically take care of the rest.

HR-ON does not have access to your social media accounts, so you need to log in to your social media accounts via HR-ON Recruit. Then, you can easily create posts for your social media channels and publish them simultaneously with your media and job portal postings.

Sign with MitID

With HR-ON Recruit, you can have contracts signed with a digital signature. This means you simply need to upload an employment contract, send a link to the candidate you wish to hire, and the candidate can then sign with MitID.

Since HR-ON Recruit is exclusively cloud-based, this allows you to create a legally binding contract from any internet connection. The system can also be used for other types of contracts if you need to have confidentiality agreements or other documents signed in connection with your recruitment.

An image of the digital signature generated by the recruitment system

Video applications

With HR-ON Recruit, you also have the option to receive video applications. This format is becoming increasingly popular as digital natives age, and with HR-ON Recruit, you have the opportunity to use it now.

Video applications give you a unique chance to get an impression of the job applicant before deciding whether to invite them for an interview.

Image of a person who browse an application site
Umbracos blå logo vises her, da de bruger vores medarbejder app.
Logo for urvirksomheden som bruger StaffBuddy appen.
Logo for urvirksomheden som bruger StaffBuddy appen.
Logoet for Odense Sport og Event som bruger vores medarbejder app, StaffBuddy.

Book a demo

Fill out for a live demo of HR-ON Recruit.

    When you click ‘Send,’ you agree to our terms and conditions.

    Book a demo

    Fill out for a live demo of HR-ON Recruit.

      When you click ‘Send,’ you agree to our terms and conditions.

      Online jobsamtaler

      Den nye videofunktion fungerer ganske enkelt og brugervenligt. Når virksomheden indkalder en interessant kandidat til samtale, skal der blot sættes flueben i en tjekboks for at angive, at jobsamtalen foregår online.

      Snart herefter modtager kandidaten en indkaldelse i sin mailboks. I mailen fremgår – udover de sædvanlige detaljer som dato og klokkeslæt for samtalen – ligeledes et link. Kandidaten og den rekrutterende medarbejder skal altså blot klikke på linket, når samtalen starter, og dermed er de i gang. Hverken kandidaten eller medarbejderen behøver at downloade et program – det hele foregår direkte i browseren.

      Online jobsamtale direkte i din browser
      Fill out the information and we will contact you as soon as possible.


        Receive a free demo today and find out how HR-ON can make HR easier for you.

        About HR-ON

        HR-ON is a suite of cloud-based applications that help make HR-related tasks easier. From small business and local municipalities to large multinational organizations, HR-ON solutions are flexible to fit the needs of your business.

        Charter mangfoldighed

        Østre Stationsvej 27, 3   //  DK-5000 Odense C   //  +45 71 99 07 27   //   //  CVR: 34474540