Human Resources

Ali Cevik om online jobsamtale

TV interview with HR-ON CEO – video resumes and online job interviews

TV interview with HR-ON CEO – video resumes and online job interviews 2097 1176 HR-ON

Photos: TV2 Fyn With the Corona outbreak bringing us closer to the future of HR, online interviewing is currently a very hot topic. Many companies around the world, including tech…

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Boost your visibility with Social Media

Corona crisis: Use SoMe to recruit talented candidates

Corona crisis: Use SoMe to recruit talented candidates 1536 864 HR-ON

As a consequence of the government’s efforts to limit the spread of the Coronavirus, the traditional job market is more or less deserted. The good news is that you can…

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Fordele ved online Jobsamtale

How to stay professional when recruiting online

How to stay professional when recruiting online 1200 628 HR-ON

These days, more and more companies are choosing to hold job interviews online. Currently this is due to the social distancing restrictions put in place due to the corona outbreak.…

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Fremtidens HR

Corona outbreak bringing us closer to the future of HR

Corona outbreak bringing us closer to the future of HR 1200 628 HR-ON

The Corona outbreak will have long lasting effects on how companies conduct HR tasks, bringing us closer to the future of HR. Companies all over the world have been forced…

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5 gode tips til din online jobsamtale

5 Top Tips for doing Online Interviews

5 Top Tips for doing Online Interviews 1200 628 HR-ON

Top 5 Tips for Online Interviews Worried about an upcoming online interview? Here are 5 top tips from HR-ON to help you prepare and succeed in interviews online. Online interviews…

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HR-ONs nye videofunktion til online jobsamtaler

HR-ON’s new and highly sought-after video feature

HR-ON’s new and highly sought-after video feature 1200 628 HR-ON

HR-ON’s latest digital solution for holding job interviews online has been very well received by customers. Going by the large numbers of people already using the solution, HR-ON’s new video feature…

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Gentofte Kommune brugte LinkedIn Premium med et ekstra boost for at rekruttere en kandidat til en lederstilling

Video: Gentofte city council achieved difficult recruitment using LinkedIn

Video: Gentofte city council achieved difficult recruitment using LinkedIn 2000 1117 HR-ON

It turned out to be a difficult task for the city council of Gentofte to find a Principal for a brand new educational institution. The Gentofte city council achieved this…

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Onboarding: How to ensure a good start for new employees

Onboarding: How to ensure a good start for new employees 1200 628 HR-ON

What is onboarding? Onboarding is about controlling the process of new employees joining a company. It is important to ensure that new employees receive a proper introduction to the company’s…

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HR-ONs praktikanter spiller bordfodbold

Internships at HR-ON: learn something new every day

Internships at HR-ON: learn something new every day 1200 628 HR-ON

There is room for many different profiles at an IT company like HR-ON. In this article we will meet a couple of students who are currently doing internships at HR-ON…

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Top 10 Benefits of E-recruitment

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment 1200 628 HR-ON

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment As a hiring manager, adopting e-recruitment can bring significant advantages to your recruitment process. Dive into this blog to discover how it can benefit your…

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