
HR-ON holder oplæg om GDPR og rekruttering

HR-ON customers gather to hear an update on GDPR and Recruitment

HR-ON customers gather to hear an update on GDPR and Recruitment 1200 800 HR-ON

Almost 100 users of HR-ON showed up to hear about the new EU Personal Data Regulations (GDPR). With the EU’s new Personal Data Regulations (GDPR) coming into force, Danish companies…

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See recruitment through the eyes of an applicant

See recruitment through the eyes of an applicant 715 217 HR-ON

Morten from Odense, is 27 years old and educated in Communication. In his spare time, he enjoys playing squash, being a barista, creating crooked DIYs and travelling abroad with his girlfriend.…

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LinkedIn seminar med HR-ON om at rekruttere de rette medarbejdere

Seminar with LinkedIn: Give the Passive Candidates a Nudge

Seminar with LinkedIn: Give the Passive Candidates a Nudge 1200 628 HR-ON

More than 80 percent of LinkedIn’s users are not actively looking for a new job. In other words they are passive candidates. This was one among many facts that Benjamin…

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Trumfer fodbold sex

Does Soccer Trump Sex?

Does Soccer Trump Sex? 1200 628 HR-ON

In the upcoming years, HR and recruitment related work will undergo a major change, where machine learning and AI will increasingly become key tools for the HR employee and the…

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Værdibaseret rekruttering giver langtidsholdbare ansættelser. Det mener rekrutteringskonsulent Lise-Lotte Berg.

Value based recruitment gives provides long-term employees

Value based recruitment gives provides long-term employees 717 301 HR-ON

Value-based recruitment provides many benefits for companies according to development consultant and coach Lise-Lotte Berg. One of the benefits is long-term employees. Values makes everything easier Lise-Lotte Berg is the…

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Et katalog med en artikel der beskriver at gentofte har løst rekuteringsproblemet

Gentofte Municipality succeeds in collaborating with LinkedIn

Gentofte Municipality succeeds in collaborating with LinkedIn 1200 628 HR-ON

Gentofte Municipality invested in digital solutions and fixed their recruitment problem. When the municipality of the town of Gentofte in Denmark was set with the task of recruiting a principal…

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Forskellige computer enheder

Hacking the candidate journey

Hacking the candidate journey 1200 628 HR-ON

Redefine your recruitment strategy and take an omnichannel recruitment approach in order to create a memorable candidate journey. The process of filling in a new job opening can be costly…

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A person who is recording a concert on a mobile phone

Recruit the best talent through video

Recruit the best talent through video 1200 628 HR-ON

The recruitment process is growing more complex as our thirst for development increases in tact with technological progression. It is no surprise that we are focusing more and more on…

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Banner image

How GDPR affects recruitment and job adverts

How GDPR affects recruitment and job adverts 1200 628 HR-ON

The new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) affects recruitment and job advertising. Here is some information to help you get ahead in your recruitment efforts. Article updated in May 2018.…

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Streamline the recruitment process

Streamline the recruitment process and focus on what’s important

Streamline the recruitment process and focus on what’s important 1200 628 HR-ON

Recruitment can be time- and money- consuming. Therefore, you have to use your time in the most effective way, by getting to know the candidates in depth before you make…

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