HR-ON Recruit

Top 10 Benefits of E-recruitment

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment 1200 628 HR-ON

Top 10 Benefits of E-Recruitment As a hiring manager, adopting e-recruitment can bring significant advantages to your recruitment process. Dive into this blog to discover how it can benefit your…

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Kundernes oplevelse af LinkedIn-seminaret

HR-ON’s LinkedIn Seminar was a Great Success

HR-ON’s LinkedIn Seminar was a Great Success 1200 628 HR-ON

The seminar with LinkedIn held last week at HR-ON’s head office turned out to be a key event in the IT-company’s seven-year-long history. Almost 100 attendees stepped into HR-ON’s brand…

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LinkedIn seminar med HR-ON om at rekruttere de rette medarbejdere

Seminar with LinkedIn: Give the Passive Candidates a Nudge

Seminar with LinkedIn: Give the Passive Candidates a Nudge 1200 628 HR-ON

More than 80 percent of LinkedIn’s users are not actively looking for a new job. In other words they are passive candidates. This was one among many facts that Benjamin…

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HR-ON and LinkedIn partneship

LinkedIn chooses HR-ON as a partner in Denmark

LinkedIn chooses HR-ON as a partner in Denmark 1200 628 HR-ON

A new collaboration takes places, as LinkedIn chooses HR-on as a partner. This creates a more effective match between companies and their future employees. LinkedIn is by far the world’s…

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