
Welcome to HR-ON 2023 Annual Report

We are proud of the:

  • continued growth since our start up symbolized by our 6th Børsen Gazelle award in a row
  • low churn rate by 5%, high LTV by DKK 1.033 and low CAC by DKK 48 K.
  • strong base of 500 customers from all industries, types and sizes from 1 – 30.000 employees
  • more and more users logging into our platform form all over the world
  • modern, mature and scalable suite covering all HR-tasks from hiring, onboarding and engagement to offboarding

HR-ON key SaaS metrics 2023

108% NRR

Snowball effect


Low Churn Rate


Growth in ARR

1033 DKK

High LTV

48 tkr.


We Are Ready to Go Global

During the financial year 2022/23 we have:
1. Strengthened the sales organisation and made all-time sales records
2. Streamlined and optimised internal business processes in one platform
3. Continued maturing and preparing the product for the global scaling

Our development is also reflected by:
Børsen Gazelle Award for the 6th year in a row
Qualified for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year.
Thought leadership in media, at the Universities and on LinkedIn

Strong Commitment, Team Effort, and Agile Respons to New Demands

What we really consider as our unique and comparative advantage, beside the above, is our organisation, where all development, marketing, sales and support is done by closely interconnected teams from one physical office at our headquarters in Denmark/Odense. A strong commitment by all the employees within all aspects of the business gives us a strong ownership and agile response to the the demands from the customers and the market.

Therefore, the focus within the coming year will be on supporting our strong platform and organisation with finances for scaling up the marketing and sales globally.

Our Distinctive Edge and Comparative Strength

Having strengthened the internal business processes, matured the product and proofed the sales approach by several all-time sales records, and having proof of concept by launching the platform locally in Japan, we are ready to proceed into the global scene.

The focus for the coming year will be to continue strengthening internal business processes and to prepare the organisation and the platform for the global launching.

I am excited to continue our journey together with our customers, partners and employees in 2023/24. 

Ali E. Cevik,  CEO

Would you like to know more?

For general enquiries contact:

Ali E. Cevik

+45 71 99 07 65

Cecilie Jørgensen

+45 30 93 40 86