HR-ON Recruit

Get 5 tips on how to recruit for a strong work culture

5 Tips: How to Recruit for a Strong Work Culture

5 Tips: How to Recruit for a Strong Work Culture 1200 628 HR-ON

5 Tips: How to Recruit for a Strong Work Culture The recruitment process is a well-known yet always-existing task. The company benefits from a stronger work culture when you recruit…

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Ready to Recruit? Let the Candidates Send Video Job Applications

Ready to Recruit? Let the Candidates Send Video Job Applications 1200 628 HR-ON

Ready to Recruit? Let the Candidates Send Video Job Applications Are you looking for a new employee? Why not allow your job candidates to send in video job applications? Using…

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Unlock the Power of AI: How AI Can Revolutionize Recruitment

Unlock the Power of AI: How AI Can Revolutionize Recruitment 1200 628 HR-ON

Unlock the Power of AI: How AI Can Revolutionize Recruitment A recruitment process can be time-consuming. But with artificial intelligence (AI), you can save time and get valuable inputs, so…

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Image with title of the webinar.

Webinar: HR-ON Recruit Feature ”AI-Assist” Release

Webinar: HR-ON Recruit Feature ”AI-Assist” Release 1200 627 HR-ON

HR-ON Recruit gets new feature – ”AI-assist” is finally here! HR-ON Recruit gets another major update, which makes it possible to get help writing your next job ad. The help…

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10 Human Resource KPIs for the Modern HR Department

10 Human Resource KPIs for the Modern HR Department 1200 628 HR-ON

10 Human Resource KPIs for the Modern HR Department You might already know some KPIs or track some of these in your HR department. But choosing the right HR KPIs…

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ENG - Recruitment Life Cycle

6 Steps for a Successful Recruitment Process

6 Steps for a Successful Recruitment Process 1200 628 HR-ON

6 Steps for a Successful Recruitment Process All recruitment processes hold several steps that you, as a recruiter, must manage to ensure successful recruitment. This blog post will guide you…

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How to Make Recruitment Easier With a Recruitment System

How to Make Recruitment Easier With a Recruitment System 1200 628 HR-ON

How to Make Recruitment Easier With a Recruitment System Every organization is faced with the task of recruiting new employees from time to time. But are you still doing it…

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How to Turn Down Applicants With a Personal and Efficient Approach

How to Turn Down Applicants With a Personal and Efficient Approach 1200 628 HR-ON

How to Turn Down Applicants With a Personal and Efficient Approach Turning down applicants who don’t make it to the next round is never easy. And turning down potential employees…

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LinkedIn Premium Jobs in 2022 – recruit the best in the industry

LinkedIn Premium Jobs in 2022 – recruit the best in the industry 1200 627 HR-ON

Are you maximizing LinkedIn’s full potential for your recruitment? Learn tips and tricks from HR-ON and LinkedIn on how to optimize your recruitment process. HR-ON has an official partnership with LinkedIn.

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Optimise your job ads

Optimise your job ads 2200 1156 HR-ON

The decisions you make when choosing the language for your job ads and where you advertise them, can have significant effects on the success of your recruitment. Read this article to find out how to optimise your job ads and ensure diversity.

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