

End Confusing Folders with Contract Management – Get your Employee Documents in One Place

End Confusing Folders with Contract Management – Get your Employee Documents in One Place 1200 628 HR-ON

End Confusing Folders with Contract Management – Get your Employee Documents in One Place Are your documents a jumbled mess? With HR-ONs Contract Management available on HR-ON Staff, all documents…

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Quality Over Quantity: Why Are Fewer Applicants Better Than Many?

Quality Over Quantity: Why Are Fewer Applicants Better Than Many? 1200 628 HR-ON

Quality Over Quantity: Why Are Fewer Applicants Better Than Many? Are you frustrated that you aren’t getting enough applications for your vacancy? Perhaps, you expected a bunch of applications and…

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With a Good HR System, You’ll Never Forget a Step in an Onboarding Process

With a Good HR System, You’ll Never Forget a Step in an Onboarding Process 1200 628 HR-ON

With a Good HR System, You’ll Never Forget a Step in an Onboarding Process As an HR employee, a good onboarding process should be high on your priority list. Having…

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Sign Documents, Contracts, and More With a Digital Signature Directly in Your HR System

Sign Documents, Contracts, and More With a Digital Signature Directly in Your HR System 1200 628 HR-ON

Sign Documents, Contracts, and More With a Digital Signature Directly in Your HR System Do you want to avoid chasing after signatures and keeping track of how many contracts need…

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23 things you should do in HR in 2023

23 things you should do in HR in 2023 1200 628 HR-ON

23 Things You Should Do in HR in 2023 New year, new opportunities, and new possibilities. 2023 is just around the corner, and those 3 sentences are what most of…

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Why HR Communication Deserves More Attention in 2023

Why HR Communication Deserves More Attention in 2023 1200 628 HR-ON

Why HR Communication Deserves More Attention in 2023 Are you working in HR? If yes, you should prioritize communicating more with your employees who are not working in HR. Communication…

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Robots, virtual offices, and shorter workdays? This is (maybe) how our future job market will look like

Robots, virtual offices, and shorter workdays? This is (maybe) how our future job market will look like 1200 628 HR-ON

Robots, Virtual Offices, and Shorter Workdays? This Is (Maybe) How Our Future Job Market Will Look Like So what does our crystal ball say about the future job market? Well,…

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Preboarding Checklist Blog

Preboarding: Give Your New Employees the Best Start With Preboarding

Preboarding: Give Your New Employees the Best Start With Preboarding 1200 628 HR-ON

Give your new employees the best start with preboarding Find our preboarding checklist below. Say you have found and hired a new employee. Are you ready to give the employee…

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Why Should You Have a Hybrid Workplace?

Why Should You Have a Hybrid Workplace? 1200 628 HR-ON

Why Should You Have a Hybrid Workplace? Hybrid has been a buzzword doing the pandemic and afterward. But why should you consider a hybrid workplace? The answer is simple, studies…

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Virtual Reality as a future HR tool

Virtual Reality as a future HR tool 1200 627 HR-ON

Virtual reality as a future HR tool HR-ON participated in Work-Live-Stay’s networking event, which focused on the potential of VR as a valuable tool for HR and recruitment. Virtual Reality…

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