LinkedIn Event Attracts a Full Room at HR-ON’s Head Office

Enterprise Sales Leader Mikaela Hedenros Ringart fra LinkedIn hos HR-ON i Odense.

LinkedIn Event Attracts a Full Room at HR-ON’s Head Office

LinkedIn Event Attracts a Full Room at HR-ON’s Head Office 2736 2052 HR-ON

HR-ON’s seminar showed new ways to optimize recruitment using LinkedIn.

Future recruitment is extremely important to most companies. What do you do when fewer people look for job listings and more people find their next job through other channels? One of the answers is LinkedIn. And that is why there was a full house at HR-ON’s seminar  event with the world’s largest business network.

The reason for this seminar, is that LinkedIn has chosen HR-ON as the first company in Denmark for an official partnership. The collaboration is set to create a more effective match between companies and their future employees.

This partnership with LinkedIn allows HR-ON’s customers to put their vacancies directly on LinkedIn from their system. On LinkedIn, job listings are controlled by LinkedIn’s algorithms and displayed to selected candidates. For companies posting job vacancies, the collaboration means they will be able to target a specific audience. 

“It’s not about quantity, but about quality,” says LinkedIn’s responsible for the Nordic partner agreements, Mikaela Hedenros Ringart.  He has been working for LinkedIn for seven years and was in the recruitment business before then. 

She explains that it doesn’t benefit the company to get 80 applications for a position, if they are not the right applicants. That’s where LinkedIn’s algorithms come into play.

“Users can swipe jobs, a bit like Tinder, and LinkedIn is constantly learning from their behavior,” Mikaela Hedenros Ringart says.

The event was held at HR-ON’s main office, arguably one of the easiest locations to get to in Odense by train and car. The office is located in the train station and if arriving by car you can park pretty much right outside the door.

Today’s headline was ‘Optimize your recruitment and get more out of your LinkedIn job listings’. HR-ON had cleared the main office for the occasion and swapped the workstations with rows of black chairs. Half an hour before the event began, guests started pouring in. Three hours later, they left the premises – full of cake and inspiration for future recruiting!

Picture: Enterprise Sales Leader, Mikaela Hedenros Ringart, from LinkedIn at HR-ON in Odense.

Og And the guests of the seminar  gæsterne ved dagens seminar fik ny inspiration med sig efter seminaret.

Herunder fortæller tre af dem, hvad de kunne tage med sig hjem.

Kort uddrag med stemningsbilleder og testimonials fra seminaret.

Pia Lærke, Sanovo Technology, fandt, at det havde været en interessant dag med tre relevante evner.

Patrick Hoé, Erwin Andersen, var glad for at få en mere grundlæggende viden om LinkedIn, og hvordan LinkedIn kan bruges for en rekrutteringsvirksomhed.

Andreas Steenberg, Alumeco, satte pris på at få nogle gode staldtips direkte fra LinkedIn, da det er ved at være et af deres største rekrutteringsværktøjer – især når de skal i kontakt med de passive kandidater.