Technology Denmark
Together we are strengthening Denmark as a tech powerhouse
At HR-ON we are proud to be part of Technology Denmark, a collaboration of partners from the business community, research institutions and members of the public. Technology Denmark offers a forum for inspiration, knowledge sharing and networking, as well as investment opportunities in programs that create talent for the industry.

About Technology Denmark
Technology Denmark is Denmark’s strongest network for technology leaders and an innovation unit for new projects which attract, develop and retain IT / Tech talent.
Growth and development with Technology Denmark
Since 2015, Technology Denmark has worked to accelerate growth and development in Danish companies. The organization is non-profit and member-based with the headquarters in Odense.
Technology Denmark consists of 100+ partners from the private business sector, knowledge and educational institutions as well as members of the public. The organization is funded through contingents, partnerships and foundation funds.

Want to know more?
For questions and queries contact:

Ali E. Cevik
+45 71 99 07 65