social media

Find din nye ansatte på Sociale Medier

Find new employees via Social Media

Find new employees via Social Media 1200 628 HR-ON

There are many good reasons to search for new employees via Social Media. One of them is that social media plays an important role in our lives these days. For…

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Employer Branding tips

6 tips to improve your Employer Branding

6 tips to improve your Employer Branding 1200 628 HR-ON

6 Tips to Improve Your Employer Branding In a recent blogpost, we discussed how to recruit using social media, where you’ll find useful tips on how to advertise on your…

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How will GDPR change the way we use Social media?

How will GDPR change the way we use Social media? 1200 628 HR-ON

May is fast approaching, and the worries related to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) are increasing. The date is fixed and the purpose is clear: this regulation will protect our…

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