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Choosing the Right Onboarding Software: 6 Key Features You Need

Choosing the Right Onboarding Software: 6 Key Features You Need 1200 628 HR-ON

Choosing the Right Onboarding Software: 6 Key Features You Need

Selecting the right onboarding software can be challenging. How do you choose a system that is user-friendly and feature-rich while staying within budget? Here are 6 essential features that every onboarding software should offer.

The computer is cluttered with open tabs, the printer is churning out contracts, and Excel sheets are being updated with personal details. But have you remembered to arrange a new office key? And what about the equipment? Are the team members aware of the new colleague’s start date? The onboarding checklist is indeed extensive.

Onboarding new employees can be challenging. A robust saas onboarding software,  simplifies this process by organizing details and easing the workload for the person in charge. So finding the best onboarding software is an important  task.

A successful onboarding strategy will reduce attrition and increase employee engagement, both of which impact customer satisfaction and your bottom line. So, much work goes into creating a good start for your new colleague, and that’s where an employee onboarding software comes in handy.

StaffBuddy: the employee app that lifts your HR tasks

What Features Should an Onboarding Software Have?

You likely have a good overview of all the onboarding tasks, but if this is your first time searching for onboarding software solutions, you might wonder what such software should offer. We’ll guide you here with six key features and explain how HR-ON Staff can support you.

1) An Onboarding Software That Does More Than Just Hiring

When looking for onboarding software, choosing one with multiple features, such as HR software, can be beneficial. This way, you get a solution that supports the entire employee journey.

With HR-ON Staff
HR-ON Staff simplifies onboarding with automated and streamlined processes while consolidating HR data in one place, ensuring new employees quickly become integrated into the team.

2) The Function Every Onboarding Software Should Have

Effective communication and engagement with a new colleague are critical from the beginning. During the onboarding phase the function, Engagement Builder, proves invaluable for facilitating tasks and fostering dialogue between the organization and the new employee.

With HR-ON Staff
The Engagement Builder in the HR platform is designed to enhance onboarding by introducing the company, answering questions from new employees, showcasing various departments, and more. Its flexibility means that its applications are only limited by your creativity.

3) Streamline Contract Management with Your Onboarding Software

A smooth contract signing process is essential in conjunction with Engagement Builder. Choose a software that eliminates paperwork and offers effortless online contract management.

With HR-ON Staff
HR-ON Staff simplifies contract management by enabling digital signatures. You’ll be promptly notified when a contract is signed, and documents are automatically stored. Additionally, you have control over document access to ensure GDPR compliance.

4) Get Your Onboarding Software as a Mobile App

If you’re feverishly searching Google for “onboarding software hr app,” it’s clear that mobile app solutions are here to stay. Having your company at your fingertips will streamline the onboarding process and ensure new hires have all the information they need from their mobile devices.

With HR-ON Staff
HR-ON Staff offers the StaffBuddy app, which integrates seamlessly with your onboarding process. With StaffBuddy, new employees can easily access important documents, such as the employee handbook, and stay updated with company news through a feed.

5) Seamless Integration to Your Onboarding Software

When selecting an onboarding or HR software, evaluating how well it integrates with your current systems, such as payroll, is essential. Assess how different software will work together to ensure smooth data transfer and minimize disruptions.

With HR-ON Staff
HR-ON Staff offers an open API and integrates seamlessly with various existing platforms. You can also leverage the API to connect with other trusted tools you use, ensuring a tailored and efficient integration process.

6) GDPR-Compliant Onboarding Software for Complete Assurance

Features and design are often top priorities when selecting onboarding software. However, ensuring GDPR compliance is equally critical to safeguarding employee data and avoiding potential legal complications.

With HR-ON Staff
With HR-ON Staff, you can have complete peace of mind. Our software is fully GDPR-compliant, automatically managing the retention of personal data to ensure it is stored only for as long as necessary. This proactive approach helps protect sensitive information and supports your compliance efforts.

Onboarding Software for Managers, Employees, and More

Whether you are looking for onboarding software for small businesses or larger corporations, one thing remains: happy employees and high satisfaction should always be the top priority. Your online onboarding software should facilitate a seamless and engaging experience for new hires, setting the stage for success and ensuring they feel welcomed and valued from day one.

We hope this blog post has helped clarify the question: What is employee onboarding software? Before tackling your next task and drafting ‘onboarding employees to-do’ or ‘onboarding managers to-do’ lists, consider whether an onboarding system could enhance your recruitment and hiring process. Discover how HR-ON can add value to your onboarding efforts, or book a demo with one of our sales consultants to explore the possibilities.

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FAQ: What is an Onboarding Software?

  • An onboarding software platform is designed to integrate new employees quickly and efficiently into your company. It consolidates all tasks, documents, and processes in one place. Often, the onboarding software is combined and found in HR software. 

  • It enhances efficiency, reduces administrative burdens, and ensures a consistent onboarding experience for all employees. It can also improve satisfaction and retention.

  • Unlike manual and paper-based processes, an onboarding software is digital and automated. It centralizes tasks and documents, providing real-time visibility.

  • Yes, most software can be customized with task lists, documents, and training modules to align with the company’s specific needs and culture.