HR-ONs CEO, Ali Cevik, er inviteret til Japan for at tale om digitalisering inden for HR.

HR-ON Invited to Tokyo: Japan Wants to Learn About HR Digitization

HR-ON Invited to Tokyo: Japan Wants to Learn About HR Digitization 2560 1707 HR-ON

HR-ON Invited to Tokyo: Japan Wants to Learn About HR Digitization

With digitalization on the agenda, HR-ON’s CEO, Ali Cevik, is invited to Tokyo along with the Minister for Digital Government and Gender Equality. During the trip, Ali Cevik will also be able to present how HR-ON operates with value-based management in a meeting with Corporate Rebels organization.

“For 12 years, we have been assisting Danish public enterprises, regions, and municipalities with digitalization, which enables us to share experiences and knowledge. It also provides us with the opportunity to be inspired by how things are done in Japan and to strengthen our relationships with our Japanese clients and partners,” says Ali Cevik.

Japan’s interest in and growing need to work more digitally in both private companies and the public sector opens doors for Danish companies like HR-ON. However, in addition to the digital aspect, the Japanese visit is also a good opportunity for Ali Cevik to explain how the company, headquartered in Odense, operates daily.

“Japan is a strategically important location for us, as it is a digitized country located geographically far from Europe. At the same time, HR is a discipline whether you are in Denmark or in a time zone 8-9 hours away from Denmark, HR remains HR,” says Ali Cevik.

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The program for the trip to Japan

April 17th at 5:30 PM: “Ginto Asia” event

April 22nd at 3:30-6:20 PM: Seminar at The Royal Danish Embassy of Japan: Danish Digital Strategy and Public Digitalization

  • 5:25 PM: Ali Cevik, CEO of HR-ON, will lecture on “How to optimize the employee lifecycle from recruitment to onboarding and engagement in a secure and digital environment.”
  • 5:55 PM: Keynote speech from Marie Bjerre, Minister for Digital Government and Gender Equality
    See the full program here.

April 23rd, from 12:45 to 15:00: Business Forum for Sustainability – Roundtable discussion on gender equality

  • Input from, among others, the Danish Minister for Digital Government and Gender Equality, Marie Bjerre, as well as from Ali Cevik, CEO of HR-ON

April 24th at 12:00 PM: “Robert Walters” event

April 25th: A visit to the global, groundbreaking organization Corporate Rebels

  • Visit their homepage

April 25th at 12:00 PM: “Nordic Next” event with Marie Bjerre, the Danish Minister for Digital Government and Gender Equality, and the Nordic Chambers

The Same Needs Across Different Cultures

HR-ON is a company that operates based on value-based management. This way of running a business is new to most, regardless of whether the nationality is Danish, Japanese, or something entirely different.

This means that HR-ON has bid farewell to fixed meeting times. This allows employees to have flexible working hours and to plan their workday in collaboration with colleagues in their respective teams. The same applies to taking vacation and parental leave. In addition, there is an unlimited number of sick days for children.

På kontoret i Odense er medarbejderne i HR-ON med til at definere de arbejdsmæssige værdier. Foto: Jonas Normann

At the Odense-based company HR-ON, there is what’s known as value-based management. Trust, dialogue, and empowerment prevail over control, hierarchy, and orders. Photo: Jonas Normann

It’s a model that Ali Cevik hopes will spark thought among the companies he will present to in Tokyo.

“People are people, no matter where we are in the world, and the need to develop, create, and motivate good conditions for people is the same regardless of location. Although the culture may vary widely, the need remains the same. Therefore, the approaches will be different, so the way it can help the Japanese is that they can see some opportunities for how we have succeeded in creating a working community where it’s not rules and strict frameworks and punishment and such that are governing, but where it’s relationships and trust that are fundamental,” says Ali Cevik, adding:

“I have no ambitions whatsoever to lecture the Japanese on how things should be done. But I believe they can draw inspiration from how we do things, and from there, they can find their own path.”

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FAQ: What is the purpose of HR-ON being in Japan?

  • When HR-ON is invited to Japan, it is among other things to discuss digitization within HR and recruitment, which several Japanese companies – both private and public – are eager to learn more about.

  • HR-ON has partners and customers in Japan, and with a visit to Tokyo, HR-ON’s CEO highlights the opportunity to strengthen the relationship with them. Additionally, Japan is a strategically important location for HR-ON to be in.

  • HR-ON develops digital tools for HR within both recruitment and personnel administration, benefiting users worldwide – including users in Japan. These tools may include features for creating job postings and distributing them through the appropriate channels, finding the right candidates, onboarding and offboarding employees, conducting performance appraisals, and much more.

  • At HR-ON, employees have the freedom to manage their work lives. We call this value-based self-leadership, and it’s part of a global movement as a modern way of doing business, which there is also interest in hearing about among companies in Japan.