Create an Overview with an Organizational Chart

With an organizational chart in HR-ON Staff you can easily navigate your organization’s structures. You can create the layers you need, edit employees and departments, enable or restrict employee logins, and directly assign engagements to relevant employees.

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Create an Overview with an Organizational Chart

With an organizational chart in HR-ON Staff you can easily navigate your organization’s structures. You can create the layers you need, edit employees and departments, enable or restrict employee logins, and directly assign engagements to relevant employees.
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Complete Organizational Chart with HR-ON Staff

The Full Overview

Search and Communicate

Customize the Chart

The Full Overview

Search and Communicate

Customize the Chart
Martinsen has 100% Overview Across Borders
With over 10 departments, Martinsen has streamlined personnel management in one place. They now have a clear organizational overview and have created an efficient workflow with HR-ON Staff and Recruit.

Easily Build and Visualize the Organization
With an organizational chart in HR-ON Staff you can easily construct and view your organization’s structure, including employees, departments, and country offices. The chart can be divided into layers, with sections organized by color. You can edit employee details, send messages directly from the chart, and keep track of ongoing changes as they happen.

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Search and Find Departments or Employees
With our search function, you can quickly zoom into the chart and locate the people you want to contact within the organization. Whether you’re looking for a specific employee, a department manager, or a specialist in a particular field, the search tool allows you to filter and refine the results.

Search and Find Departments or Employees
With our search function, you can quickly zoom into the chart and locate the people you want to contact within the organization. Whether you’re looking for a specific employee, a department manager, or a specialist in a particular field, the search tool allows you to filter and refine the results.
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