HR-ON is nominated for an award among major global players

HR-ON Nominated for an Award

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HR-ON Nominated for an Award Among Major Global Players

HR-ON has been nominated for a ZeroDX award due to our approach to value-based management.

As part of a group of global companies, HR-ON has been nominated for the 2024 ZeroDX awardThe renowned global network Thinkers50 presented this recognition in collaboration with the Chinese appliance manufacturer Haier.

The award is given to an organization or company that has successfully eliminated traditional hierarchies in favor of zero distance to customers, working with self-management, and enabling employees to share in the company’s financial success.

HR-ON has been nominated for the award due to our value-based management approach.

The nomination acknowledges that HR-ON is doing something that can inspire others to adopt innovative approaches to leading and organizing a workplace community. Being nominated with 50 of the most progressive organizations worldwide makes us proud, says Ali E. Cevik, CEO of HR-ON.

HR-ON er en dansk prisvindende it-virksomhed. Her ses Ali E. Cevik, HR-ONs grundlægger blandt medarbejderne.

Ali E. Cevik, CEO for HR-ON, with one of the employees at the office in Odense, Denmark. Photo: Jonas Normann

Nominated by a Rebellious Organization

The award will be presented at a show in China, celebrating the most progressive organizations worldwide. Among the other nominees are WWF Brazil, Wildling Shoes, Buurtzorg, Fujitsu Europe, Great Place To Work Netherlands and Morning Star.

I am especially pleased that this recognition is something the employees can embrace, as it is largely an acknowledgment that we, as a team, have succeeded in creating a company and an inclusive workplace without hierarchies, says Ali E. Cevik.

HR-ON was nominated for the award by Corporate Rebels, an organization that brings together companies operating with modern, self-managed structures.

Read more about the nomination here: Revolutionizing HR Tech with a Human-Centric Approach: The Case of HR-ON.

The Award Will Be Presented in China

And why is such an award presented in China? You might wonder how progressive companies in China are.

HR-ON’s work aligns with the values of the RenDanHeYi model, a leadership philosophy developed by Haier Group’s CEO, Zhang Ruimin. The award ceremony takes place in his hometown. With 80,000 employees, Haier operates without a traditional hierarchy and has increased growth from 8% to 30% by cutting 12,000 managerial positions.

For HR-ON CEO Ali E. Cevik, seeing such large companies succeed with self-management is inspiring.

I love to see it because I often hear comments like, ‘You’re a software company with programmers who can easily work from home, and programmers are the kind of people who work at night and eat pizza.’ There are many prejudices. That’s why I warmly welcome it when people outside our industry and some big players do it, says Ali E. Cevik.

The award will be presented in Qingdao, China, on Friday, September 20, 2024.


  • HR-ON is nominated for a ZeroDX Award 2024
  • The award show is organized by the Chinese manufacturer Haier, Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini’s MLab, and Thinkers50’s Business Ecosystem Alliance
  • The nomination was made by Corporate Rebels
  • Among the nominees are also organizations such as WWF Brazil, Buurtzorg, Fujitsu Europe, Great Place To Work Netherlands, and Morning Star
  • HR-ON is one of 50 nominated companies that follow the principles of RenDanHeYi
  • RenDanHeYi is a model that emphasizes that employees (Ren) and their entrepreneurial capabilities should align with customer needs (Dan) to create value, the model emphasizes individual accountability and dynamic organizational roles (HeYi)
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FAQ: Why is HR-ON nominated for an award?

  • HR-ON is nominated for a ZeroDX Award 2024. The award will be presented at a show in China that honors the most progressive organizations in the world. The award is organized by the Chinese manufacturer Haier, Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini’s MLab, and Thinkers50’s Business Ecosystem Alliance.

  • HR-ON is nominated for a ZeroDX Award 2024 for our approach to value-based management.

  • At HR-ON, we practice values-based management, which means we are a company without traditional hierarchies, and decisions are made within the teams. We operate according to the principles outlined in our Employee Manifesto.

  • HR-ON has received a total of six Børsen Gazelles, awarded to companies that have achieved positive growth each year over four consecutive financial years. Additionally, HR-ON’s CEO, Ali E. Cevik, has been honored with EY’s Inspiration Award for, among other things, breaking patterns and actively promoting diversity.