HR-ON reaches new heights with investors on board

HR-ON Attracts Investors on the Journey Towards Global Heights

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HR-ON Attracts Investors on the Journey Towards Global Heights

With ambitions to become a global player in HR tech, HR-ON has now brought investors on board. These investors contribute financially, have solid know-how, and have a strong network, which will benefit HR-ON’s customers.

The agreement with the investors is something that pleases HR-ON’s founder and CEO, Ali E. Cevik:

“With our new investors, we gain not only financial strength but also experience, networks, and know-how, which will help us advance globally as an HR tech provider,” he says.

Ali Cevik, CEO i HR-ON

Ali E. Cevik, CEO of HR-ON, is pleased with the collaboration with the new investors. Photo: Press photo

Investor Sees Great Potential

One of the investors is Strive Ventures, an investment fund focused on scaleups and growth companies. Martin Rønne Bjergegaard, who has co-founded Rainmaking, among other ventures, leads the fund. Another key figure behind the fund is Søren Rode, former CEO of ProData Consult (now emagine).

“We have invested in HR-ON because we are very impressed with the company’s product and success in the HR platform market. International clients have recently come on board, and we see great potential to contribute with skills and capital, enabling us to accelerate both product development and sales,” says Martin Rønne Bjergegaard.

Strive Ventures stiftere, Søren Rode og Martin Bjergegaard, er nye investorer i HR-ON.

Strive Ventures is an investment fund led by Søren Rode (left) and Martin Rønne Bjergegaard (right). Strive Ventures is one of the new investors in HR-ON. Photo: Press photo

Two Business Angels have also joined the team. Jesper Jarlbæk, who holds the position of chairman for Danish Business Angels among other roles, has been appointed as the new chairman of the board at HR-ON. Additionally, the founders of Bookboon Learning, brothers Kristian Buus Madsen and Thomas Buus Madsen, have also come on board.

The Right Time

Until now, HR-ON has grown without external financial support. However, the company, which has offices in Odense, Zealand, and Jutland, as well as Stuttgart and Tokyo, has decided to shift gears.

“The idea behind HR-ON from day one has been to establish a cloud-based HR platform that can scale globally. Over the past 12 years, we have successfully built a healthy company with a strong product, a solid customer base, and a unique culture. That’s why this is the perfect time to shift gears and accelerate our global journey,” says Ali E. Cevik.

The investors will join HR-ON’s board of directors alongside Ali E. Cevik.


  • Martin Rønne Bjergegaard is the co-founder and leader of the investment fund Strive Ventures. He is an entrepreneur, author, and co-founder of several successful companies
  • Søren Rode is another key figure behind Strive Ventures. He is the former CEO of ProData Consult, which was sold for billions to a private equity fund
  • Jesper Jarlbæk was named Business Angel of the Year in Denmark in 2023 and Europe in 2024. He is the chairman of Danish Business Angels
  • Brothers Kristian and Thomas Buus Madsen are the founders of Bookboon Learning and bring strong expertise in international sales and SaaS business development
Streamline your HR with HR-ON Staff

FAQ: Why does HR-ON need investors?

  • HR-ON aims to become a major player globally in HR tech. That’s why the time is right to bring investors on board, as they can contribute with know-how, networks, and a financial boost.

  • HR-ON has secured a deal with several knowledgeable investors. These include the co-founders of Strive Ventures, Martin Rønne Bjergegaard and Søren Rode. Business Angels Jesper Jarlbæk and brothers Kristian and Thomas Buus Madsen also joined HR-ON.

  • HR-ON, founded in 2012 by Ali E. Cevik, is a software company with over 40 employees. HR-ON has over 500 private and public clients and over 100,000 users worldwide.

  • HR-ON, headquartered in Odense, has offices in several locations across Denmark, Tokyo, Japan, and Stuttgart, Germany. Additionally, over 100,000 users worldwide use HR-ON’s HR IT platforms.

  • HR-ON develops and supports a recruitment platform, HR-ON Recruit, and a personnel administration platform, HR-ON Staff, to benefit HR professionals worldwide.