
Are You Ready for Gen Z? Read Along to See How Two Companies Prepare For The Digital Generation

Are You Ready for Gen Z? Read Along to See How Two Companies Prepare For The Digital Generation 1200 628 HR-ON

Are You Ready for Gen Z? Read Along to See How Two Companies Prepare For The Digital Generation

Several generations coexist in the workplace, and soon it’s time to welcome Generation Z. We asked Ditur and Umbraco how each company prepares itself for the IGen’s arrival to the workspace.

The future workforce goes by many names: “digital natives,” “iGen,” “internet generation,” “generation solo,” and so on. Despite the many names, Companies should prepare themselves as this generation comes with new ideas and demands.

Who is Generation Z?

  • Gen Z is born between 1997 and 2012
  • The generation has grown up with the internet, smartphones, and countless apps.
  • People born in this generation see themselves as world citizens due to digitalization and its possibilities. 
  • The current generation is more concerned about climate change than some of the previous generations.

By 2025, Generation Z will already represent 25% of the workforce.

But what changes or initiatives should a company consider, and should they even change anything? We know that Generation Z is a diverse group of people with different conditions in life, so our blog post focuses on generalizations of the group’s most shared tracks. Nevertheless, we encourage all companies to prepare for this new generation.

Generation Z’s job search for companies that provide job security, career opportunities, feedback, and direct management communication, among other things, has become a relentless demand and one of the generation’s defining characteristics.

A company where the job position is meaningful, where CSR is more than merely initiatives on paper, and where there is flexibility seem to be the three things the typical Gen Z job seeker is looking for. Companies that meet these requirements are already ahead of the game regarding luring young talent and keeping it.

Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that companies with a diverse workforce are more innovative and have higher profits.

And How Do You Attract Gen Z?

A 10-point guide on how to draw in the iGen is, unfortunately, just wishful thinking. Given that numerous industries have various requirements, the list would quickly be ineffective or thrown away.

As Generation Z has new demands, such as job flexibility and meaningful work, we have decided to share two companies’ preparations and what they do to welcome their soon-to-be employees. 

Two Companies’ Take on How to Be Ready for Generation Z

Now it’s time to find your notebook and write down what Ditur and Umbraco have done and still do. Discover, find inspiration, and create your own ideas on how your company can say hello to iGen.

It Isn’t “Just” Work

HR Business Partner at Ditur, Simone Garbenfeldt, says that the company has already employed many great employees from Generation Z, and Ditur has already incorporated several initiatives to hold on to its employees. The company knows that work isn’t just 9 to 5:

“We know how important it is to have more than ‘just’ a job. A personal connection at work is just as important.”

Ditur’s domicile is an excellent example of how work is more than just sitting at a desk all day. The company has prioritized padel halls, fitness, table football, and table tennis, creating a space and environment that is more than just a workplace. In addition, the company places a strong emphasis on social events that, in the words of Simone Garbenfeldt, also “keep the team together.”

As mentioned, the generation is also looking for companies where they can contribute and take responsibility for their work tasks, which is also something that Ditur offers its employees:

“One of our greatest strengths is that you are responsible for your task from day one. We believe in our employees, and we trust their decision-making. The feeling of having total awareness of your role is important.”

Ditur’s initiatives are not just for Generation Z; it applies to every employee.

Ditur’s domicile

So, here are some key points to note down: a) your workplace is more than just a place where you work, so prioritize to incorporate spaces where you can relax and have fun, b) social activities are a must to keep your team together, and c) responsibility from day one is essential.

Work Should Make Sense

Umbraco also discusses its Generation Z-related experiences. According to Christian Tvede, head of People, Love & Culture (PLC) at Umbraco, the company has incorporated initiatives for Generation Z and all employees: 

“Umbraco’s values and working methods fit with the demands and wishes of Generation Z. We haven’t done anything special just to fit in with the generation. What we have done instead is that we have regularly adjusted ourselves when it has made sense for our company and employees.”

For instance, Umbraco has created a policy that permits “flexibility and self-realization” and allows employees to work remotely. The policy enables staff members to relocate to places like Greece or Bali while working for Umbraco. Of course, one’s decision to work elsewhere must be “consistent with one’s team lead.”

There must also be room for one’s personality and growth, which is why the company offers career paths allowing you to follow your passions and take on new challenges. As Christian Tvede puts it:

“We try to emphasize how important it is to us that you feel completely welcome and have room to be who you are. Trust is one of our core values.”

There is space for everyone, and the business prioritizes regular feedback and one-on-one conversations in addition to Umbraco’s other initiatives. Teams are encouraged to engage in social activities because the company values social interactions as part of its culture. There is space for everything, including a Friday night bar, business events, board games, sports, and other activities.

Social activities at Umbraco is key.

It’s time to note the following key points: a) flexibility, b) space for personality, c) growth, d) trust, and e) the importance of a social workplace.

Welcome to Generation Z

Ditur and Umbraco have shared their experiences, and now it’s time to take a closer look at your workplace. Have you discussed this theme? Where should one start? Take a look at your notes and use them.

Generation Z is ready to work, and companies should be prepared as well. One thing to remember is that by working together, only the sky is the limit.
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