Do as Odense Sport & Event

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Do as Odense Sport & Event: ‘We can get a contract signed within ten minutes’

According to HR Business Partner Louise Oxving, after Odense Sport & Event (OS&E) implemented HR-ON’s personnel administration solution, processes and workflows have become more efficient. She focuses on making HR support more tangible in daily operations, and although this work is done in the background, the entire organization benefits from improved HR processes with HR-ON Staff.

We can get a new contract signed with an employee within ten minutes and in a flow where sometimes we need a large number of people on short notice – especially in the current times. It’s fantastic to have a system that optimizes the processes, says Louise Oxving.

HR Platform Supports Sustainability Goals

HR-ON Staff is not only particularly useful for quickly executing contract signatures but also in other areas where both Louise Oxving in HR and the leaders at OS&E benefit from the platform’s support. OS&E, for example, has eliminated a paper-heavy process, which has especially been a challenge in recruitment.

HR-ON Staff makes the processes smooth – less cumbersome and less complicated. It doesn’t involve a lot of printing and scanning, but rather quick communication. Everything is now handled electronically, which also supports our goal of being sustainable in all our processes, says Louise Oxving.

External providers have been cut out – now they collect data themselves

One of the most valuable tools for Odense S&E is the Engagement Builder. This feature is versatile and supports various aspects of the work. It is an indispensable tool primarily used for the preboarding of new employees. Additionally, it is utilized for various purposes such as collecting employee data, conducting employee development reviews, and sending invitations to company events.

This means that we can communicate electronically with our employees. This applies to all processes: both preboarding, onboarding, and in some cases, offboarding.

Four times a year, OS&E conducts a pulse survey using Engagement Builder from HR-ON Staff. This way, they gauge the overall sentiment in the organization and HR can identify any emerging issues that may require action.

We also use the Engagement Builder for that. But we actually use it for some internal questions after events to evaluate our efforts, so we can improve by 10 percent next time, says Louise Oxving.

Recruit and develop talents with HR-ON Recruit

Get all the details with the smart process module

In addition to the Engagement Builder, HR-ON’s Process Module is a feature that effectively supports the HR Business Partner’s various tasks. This ensures a seamless flow of projects, with every crucial detail being captured and not lost in the process.

We set up processes that ensure everything flows smoothly and that we don’t miss any important details, says Louise Oxving.


  • Odense Sport & Event (OS&E) has multiple business segments, including football, concerts, tourism with three hotels, dining experiences, and event facilitation
  • Streamlined Processes: HR-ON’s solution has enhanced OS&E’s processes and routines. For example, contracts can now be signed within ten minutes
  • Goodbye to Paper: The platform supports OS&E’s sustainability goals by replacing paper-based processes with electronic communication and data collection
  • Increased Employee Engagement: The Engagement Builder facilitates data collection and makes it easy to evaluate events, which boosts employee engagement
  • Secure Data Management: The Process Module in HR-ON Staff ensures the accurate handling of all details in work processes for more efficient operations
Streamline your HR with HR-ON Staff