Do as Martinsen: Eliminate manual work and gain more time for other tasks

Do as Martinsen: Eliminate manual work and gain more time for other tasks 1920 1003 HR-ON

Do as Martinsen: Eliminate manual work and gain more time for other tasks

With over ten offices nationwide, Martinsen Revision & Rådgivning has streamlined the recruitment process and personnel administration by consolidating everything in one place. This has saved valuable time and created a more streamlined workflow.

Charlotte Davodi, secretary at the Martinsen office in Copenhagen, can feel the difference in her work and has noticed improvements in collaboration with department heads across the company’s various offices. In her daily role, she handles recruitment tasks with department heads from the company’s 10+ offices nationwide.

Easier with everything consolidated in one place

The difference from the time when everything was done manually to today, where several parts of the recruitment process are fully automated, has freed up a significant amount of time for Charlotte Davodi.

Automated recruitment processes with HR-ON mean a lot because we don’t have enough time, so it’s definitely a help. We’re no longer wasting time pulling information from each other. Everything is gathered in one place, with a single base, which makes it much easier, says Charlotte Davodi.

Recruit and develop talents with HR-ON Recruit

Ensuring that tasks don’t fall through the cracks

The consulting firm chose HR-ON Staff and Recruit to create a seamless integration between the recruitment and HR platforms. Both Charlotte Davodi and Charlotte Mølgaard experience a daily ease in their work, with one managing recruitment and the other handling HR tasks. As the PA for the managing director in the Vejle branch, Charlotte Mølgaard now ensures that tasks don’t fall through the cracks, thanks to HR-ON Staff.

The automation of previously manual tasks and the prevention of data entry errors in employee records were crucial for Martinsen Revision & Rådgivning. That’s why Martinsen decided to streamline the process, as Charlotte Mølgaard describes it. She elaborates:

The automation of tasks has definitely freed up time, but that hasn’t even been the most important thing. It’s more about the professionalism – the professional image we project outward to applicants and the market in general, says Charlotte Mølgaard.

The HR platform remembers the tasks

In addition to saving time and maintaining a professional image, Charlotte Mølgaard also benefits from not having to remember many tasks, as HR-ON Staff takes care of them for her.

We hire trainees, and some of them are employed more than six months before they actually start here. So, we’ve set up some engagements that we send to them periodically to gather information. Once we’ve established a process, it runs entirely on its own, so we don’t have to remember anything, says Charlotte Mølgaard.

Additionally, Martinsen benefits from the fact that the responses from new trainees can be extracted as a list, making it easy for Martinsen to follow up on the answers to the questions they ask.


  • Martinsen is a chartered accounting firm with over 80 years of experience and branches across the country
  • Efficiency and Time Savings: Martinsen has streamlined both the recruitment process and personnel administration by consolidating everything in one place with HR-ON’s products, freeing up time for other tasks
  • Easy and Streamlined Workflow: The integration between the recruitment and HR platforms allows employees like Charlotte Davodi and Charlotte Mølgaard to manage their tasks more systematically, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks
  • Automation and Quality Assurance: Automating manual tasks and eliminating data entry errors has created a more reliable and professional process
  • Easy Access and Follow-up: HR-ON’s platforms make it easy to follow up on communication with applicants and trainees, improving the quality of interactions and ensuring that no information is lost
Streamline your HR with HR-ON Staff