
ERHR Rekruttering har meget gavn af HR-ON Recruit

Lars and Tim from ERHR: HR-ON Recruit is Crucial for Our Business

Lars and Tim from ERHR: HR-ON Recruit is Crucial for Our Business 1920 1003 HR-ON

Lars and Tim from ERHR: HR-ON Recruit is Crucial for Our Business With around 100 recruitments per year, ERHR Recruitment (hereafter ERHR) needs an intuitive recruitment system that ensures consistency…

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Do as Martinsen: Eliminate manual work and gain more time for other tasks

Do as Martinsen: Eliminate manual work and gain more time for other tasks 1920 1003 HR-ON

Do as Martinsen: Eliminate manual work and gain more time for other tasks With over ten offices nationwide, Martinsen Revision & Rådgivning has streamlined the recruitment process and personnel administration…

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Do as Odense Sport & Event

Do as Odense Sport & Event 1920 1003 HR-ON

Do as Odense Sport & Event: ‘We can get a contract signed within ten minutes’ According to HR Business Partner Louise Oxving, after Odense Sport & Event (OS&E) implemented HR-ON’s…

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Real Estate Agency Chain: We naturally comply with GDPR regulations with HR-ON

Real Estate Agency Chain: We naturally comply with GDPR regulations with HR-ON 1920 1003 HR-ON

Real Estate Agency Chain: We naturally comply with GDPR regulations with HR-ON For the real estate agency chain home, the most important task is to effectively assist clients throughout the…

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